This is Peso, an incredible Peruvian Paso gelding who was removed from his uncaring owners by our ever persistant shelter volunteer Debbie, one of Klamaths finest deputies and a very caring DDA. This horse was in big trouble, and visions of Spirit came to my mind when I met him. How close he came..but for these three, it could well have been that way. Between them they helped see his future is a good one, not frozen to the ground as winter approaches.His bones are there for the world to see, and it amazes me how he is so blase about it all, the usual depression is not evident in this boy.
He has a will to live and by God now he will. He is off to the vet first thing Monday morning as I am sure his teeth are in dire need of fixing so he can eat, and retain it. The Parkas for Ponies gals are on their way up here as I write this, and the very first blanket will be for Peso.
This gorgeous Appy mare was on the road down hill too, but was saved before she became as sorry looking as Peso. She needs about 100lbs and will make someone a very nice riding horse. I worked with her yesterday and she is very agreeable. We named her Nicole after the awesome Parkas for Ponies organiser, she gets blanket number two!!
UPDATE…Peso has a fabulous new home on the coast and is missing all of this snow…good on ya happy and kind to your new mum and dad…
Nicole has been adopted by a wonderful young lady who will make this her first horse, and what a nice pair they make. Yeaaa Rebecca.